Directions for Putting up the Timepiece, Aaron Willard, Jr, Roxbury
1802.31 Willard House and Clock Museum
Pre-printed Directions for Putting up the Timepiece relating to Aaron Willard, Jr.
These cards often accompanied newly purchased timepieces, and sometimes could be found on the inner door of the eight-day clocks from that period together with the label.
"Directions for putting up the Timepiece
Drive a brad in the wall where it is to be placed and suspend the Time piece upon it. Open the lower door which is unfastened by turning the button a little forward with the key. Loosen the pendulum by which the Timepiece may be plumbed, observing that it hangs free of the case and in a line with the point where it was confined, then screw it to the wall with tow screws thro' the back. Put the pendulum in motion. The weight is already wound up. Set it with the minute hand which may be moved ______ forwards. To make the TimePiece go faster raise the pendulum ball by the screw at the bottom., to make it go slower lower the ball with the same screw.
These Timepieces are an improvement upon all others., as they go b a Weight instead of a Spring and the pendulum being of a longer calculation than in any other small Pieces renders it more accurate and has proved to keep better time. The President of the United States having granted a Patent for them the are made and Warranted by Aaron Willard Jun^r: Washington St. Boston near Roxbury Massacchusetts"
Ht. 4.7” 1802.31