Simon Willard (1753-1848), Roxbury, Massachusetts, ca. 1810
2.96.8 Willard House and Clock Museum, Robinson bequest
Painted iron dial 7 7/16”, Roman numerals as well as Arabic quarter minute markers. Steel barbed hands. This is an earlier dial as evidenced by gold a gold border around the dial outlined with black scalloped edging.
Mahogany case with cross banding, brass finial, and side arms. Reverse painted glasses in throat and base panel. Brass eagle finial with a branch on an urn (cast and turned). Rising sun motif in lower panel and geometric designs in white, dark salmon, light blue.
Eight-day timepiece w/ brass plates and wheels, steel pinions and a deadbeat escapement. T-bridge suspension. Movement attached to case with two fillester head screws. Brass faced lead pendulum bob with an iron rod. Lead weight. Throat glass of cross-hatched pattern and box glass with rectangular pendulum opening with the name “S WILLARD’S PATENT.” Door catch replaced by hook, lower glass tablet rebacked in white.
Ht. 29 3/8” 2.96.8