What did children do for entertainment? What games did they play? Did they go to school? Did they learn a trade? Participants learn about aspects of life in the past and how it connects to our world today. Ages 7-10 (limit: 12 students) Members $240, Non-Members $255.
Week 1 June 26-30 9 AM-1 PM
How did kids have fun in Colonial Times, between chores and school? They made it themselves!! Join us as we make 18th century toys (ball catchers, marbles, poppets, quoits and more), learn games like Townball, Conquors and Hunt the Slipper.
Week 2 July 10 - 14 9 AM - 1 PM
In Colonial Times, not everyone stayed on the farm. Promising youngsters might learn a trade. Try your hand at being a Tinsmith, Printer, Weaver or Limner (portrait painter)!!
To Register for a class, call 508.839.3500, Wed-Sat 10 AM - 1PM or email beverly@willardhouse.org.