Aaron Willard Gallery
The Aaron Willard Gallery
These rooms were added after the Willard House became a museum. All the clocks and timepieces here are made by Aaron Willard or his son Aaron Willard Jr.
Portrait of Catherine (Gates) Willard
Artist Unknown
Roxbury, Massachusetts, c. 1785
Massachusetts Shelf Clock
Aaron Willard (1757-1844)
Boston, Massachusetts, c. 1825
Eight-day Clock
Aaron Willard (1757-1844)
Roxbury, Massachusetts, c.1790
Portrait of Nancy Willard
John Ritto Penniman (1782-1841)
Roxbury, Massachusetts, 1804
Eight-day Clock
Aaron Willard (1757-1844)
Stephen Badlam (1751-1815)
Boston, Massachusetts, c. 1800
Copy of Yellow House
John Ritto Penniman (c.1782-1841)
Boston, Massachusetts, c. 1810
Eight-day Clock
Aaron Willard (1757-1844)
Spencer Nolen (1784-1849)
Boston, Massachusetts, c. 1806